General information by creating an account to browse, purchase, contribute, communicate, or be an affiliate with Massive Action Media you agree to abide by our terms of use herein. For our privacy policy please visit HERE.
Not signing up or subscribing does not exclude a user on our site from these terms. Visitors to our website are held to the same Terms of Use even though many of the terms may not be applicable to them do to the nature of their visit.
Every aspect of our website design, services, digital products, logos, and proprietary technology is used by permission and licensing ONLY through Massive Action Media and its vendors. Massive Action Media and its vendors respectively retain the right to refuse, disrupt, and cancel any prior or future rights if any user account is found in violation of the terms of use policies on this page. The terms of use policy are also available as a PDF download for your files. Registered users will be emailed to the account on file if any changes are made to this policy 30 days before its effective date.
On our website, the term Digital Assets refers to any digital product. This can be video footage, images, sound effects, music, illustrations, and art but is not limited to these examples.
General Terms of Use
(Download and Read PDF for the full legal version of the Terms of Use policy)
All digital assets available on our website are for use through paid licensing only
Sharing digital assets with non-subscribers is not tolerated and illegal
Sharing login information is a violation of our Terms of Use
Manipulation of our site is a violation of our Terms of Use
Abusive language or behavior on our site or communication services is a violation of our Terms of Use
Uploading assets that are not original and 100% owned by the user is a violation of our Terms of Use
Reselling any digital asset from our site is a violation of our Terms of Use.
Data harvesting is a Violation of our Terms of Use
Screenshots of Visual Content is a violation of our Terms of Use
Audio capture is a violation of our Terms of Use
These are simply the most common violations and are NOT conclusive to our full Terms of Use policy that is available to view/download above. If you have any questions about what is or is not a violation please do not hesitate to reach out to customer service and ask. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.